There are so many opportunities to do good.


We believe that every good thing comes from above; and that by turning back to the Divine Author of life, we can find the healing and peace that we all so desire.


We felt that healing power in August of 2015 at the live stage production at Ford Field in Dearborn, Michigan, called: We Humble Ourselves – Turning a Nation Back to God. We were so moved by the experience, we want to share it with the rest of our Nation. We Humble Ourselves is based on a verse from the Old Testament:

If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Can it be that simple?

Yes! Come and see!

We Humble Ourselves is an engaging historical and educational presentation, wrapped in stunning orchestral music and a chorus of beautiful voices. You will be drawn in by the disarming charm of Benjamin Franklin, awed by the humility of George Washington, and moved by the forgiveness of Frederick Douglass. You will laugh at the adorable cue-card waver, ponder the weight of responsibility felt by the Colonial woodworker and swell with pride at the salute to veterans.

Best of all, you will remember what made our Nation so special, and why it’s worth preserving.

Join us!

For God and country.

For religious freedom.

For the healing of our Nation.

We offer an outdoor STAGE PRODUCTION – a captivating, music-filled history lesson meant to revive authentic patriotism and encourage the love of God and neighbor.